Adult Classes
We Offer volunteer and court ordered classes. Referrals from job related, counselors and HRs and any help programs are welcomed. .
Adolescent Classes
Really, how do we expect our most precious commonality (our children) to cope with modern day stress and problems? Empower them to learn up-to-date knowledge and in an adolescent accepted way. They help with rules of the class and have their own input in the class. Materials used include "Controlling Ourselves" by: George Anderson.
Constructive Communication Guidelines
1. Discuss instead of argue.
2. Honor your partner’s request to discuss issues.
3. State your concern in a form of a request, not a demand.
4 Discuss one issue at a time.
5. Do not try to read the mind of your partner, ask instead.
6. Show RESPECT.
7. Do not call one another names.
8. Do not USE EMOTIONALLY BLACKMAIL on your partner.
9. Try not to let the sun set on a disagreement.
10. Be careful about texting emotions over the phone.
Couples Classes
The number one thing our significant other says." How can we get that special feeling back". Education is the key. Learn together how to deal with your anger and learn the newest communication tools and bring back that "First Love Experience". Good Parenting techniques also included.

How They Affect Your Mood and Health
Do you have a legimate sleep disorder or is it a life style decision studies have shown that one week of sleep at 4 and 1/2 hours per night for one week, all participants felt significantly more angry, stressed, and sad than before the study. This finding was backed up with 56 separate sleep studies. Researchers have found a link between sleep deprivation and negative affect on one’s health. A hormone called Leptin has a direct effect on diabetes and obesity. Some experts believe sleep gives neurons a chance to shut down and repair themselves. According to the National Highway Safety Administration driver fatique is responsible for 100,000 car accidents each year. Sleep experts recommend seven to nine hours of rest daily for adults of every age. Women in the first trimester of pregnancy may need several hours more than normal and infants need up to 16 hours of sleep each day. If you feel drowsy during the day or routinely fall asleep within five minutes of lying down, you are probably not getting enough rest.

We provide Anger/Stress Management, Communication Techniques and Training for the Workplace, for Adolescents, Adults and Couples.
Two great locations
8868 Bond Rd
Elk Grove, Ca 95624
7011 Sylvan Rd
Suite E
Citrus Heights, Ca 95610
Doing in person classes again=====Doing court ordered classes in parenting education, co=parenting, anger managememnt, Family court Domestic Violence Education, BTP Programs.
- Anger and Tips to Managing It
- Stress Management
- Emotional Intelligence
- Communication